- rhel 7.2
- jdk-8u102-linux-x64
- spark-2.0.2-bin-hadoop2.7
- Scala 2.11,注意:2.11.x 版本是不兼容的,见官网:http://spark.apache.org/docs/latest/。
Spark 当前支持使用共享密钥来认证。可以通过配置 spark.authenticate 选项来开启认证。这个参数用来控制 Spark 的通讯协议是否使用共享密钥来执行认证。这个认证是一个基本的握手,用来保证两侧具有相同的共享密钥然后允许通讯。如果共享密钥无法识别,他们将不能通讯。创建共享密钥的方法如下 :
To deploy Harbor on Kubernetes, it requires some additional steps because
When Harbor registry uses https, so we need cert or workaround to avoid errors like this:
There is a workaround if you don’t have a cert. The workaround is to add the host into the list of insecure registry by editting the 12```bashsudo vi /etc/default/docker
add the line at the end of file:
restart docker service